Released Builds

  • Production: Precinct-master-30, Precinct-master-33
  • EarlyAccess: Precinct-earlyaccess-26, Precinct-earlyaccess-27

Builds published to WitFoo Library at 2/10/2018 1631 (CST) due for automatic installation at 2/10/2018 1700 (CST)



  • Investigative Engine processing pipeline overhauled to increase cycle times and to reduce CPU and disk usage. System impact of processing reduced by up to 95% in networks with heavy lead (alarm) levels.
  • Upgrade Elasticsearch from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
  • Upgrade Logstash from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
  • Upgrade Kibana from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
  • Additional support performance metrics to alert WitFoo Support of deployment stability and performance issues.
  • Improved resilience in starting, stopping and updating Precinct.

Bug Fixes

  • NetFlow streams with option templates cause erroneous template
  • On Operations report when no incidents of a type are registered in a period the success percentage is set to 0% instead of expected 100%
  • Investigative Engine processing times cause CPU to peg out and increase disk i/o rates in high alarm volume deployments.

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