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  • #1946
    Charles HerringCharles Herring

    To erase all data on a deployment: sudo docker exec -i ui php /var/www/html/laravel/artisan migrate:refresh --force
    To create general demo data: sudo docker exec -i ui /bin/bash /var/www/html/laravel/
    To create Cisco focused demo data: sudo docker exec -i ui /bin/bash /var/www/html/laravel/demodatacisco.bash
    To backup the Users and Settings in a deployment /usr/bin/mysql -u witfooadmin --password=H8lazy#s -P 33060 -h mysqldactive.witfoo witfoodb users settings > backup.sql
    To backup all data in a deployment /usr/bin/mysql -u witfooadmin --password=H8lazy#s -P 33060 -h mysqldactive.witfoo witfoodb > backup-full.sql
    To restore Users and settings: /usr/bin/mysql -u witfooadmin --password=H8lazy#s -P 33060 -h mysqldactive.witfoo witfoodb < backup.sql
    To reboot: sudo reboot now
    To clear out docker cache: sudo service superintendent stop ; sudo service docker stop ; sudo rm -rf /data/docker/* ; sudo service docker start ; sudo service superintendent start
    To check start status tail -f /var/log/witfoo-superintendent/status.log
    To shutdown WitFoo Services: sudo service superintendent stop
    To start WitFoo Services: sudo service superintendent start
    To restart WitFoo Services: sudo service superintendent restart
    To disable WitFoo automatic starts sudo systemctl disable superintendent.service
    To enable WitFoo automatic starts sudo systemctl enable superintendent.service
    To reset Admin password: mysql -u witfooadmin --password=H8lazy#s -P33060 -h mysqldactive.witfoo witfoodb -e "delete from users where id > 1;"

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